
[Core API] Rate limiter

  • Additional rate limiting on resource intensive routes to better protect Front's infrastructure. Please see 'Rate Limiting' for more details.

[Core API] Canned responses

  • GET /responses route to list all canned answers
  • GET /responses/:response_id route to fetch a specific canned answer

[Core API] Tag hierarchy

  • GET /tags/:tag_id/children route to list all children of the provided tag.
  • POST /tags/:tag_id/children route to create a child for the provided tag.
  • PATCH /tags/:tag_id route can update the parent tag.
  • Added fields updated_at, created_at to the Tag response body
  • Added field children to the Tag _links

[Core API] Teammate mention

  • Mentionning a teammate using the endpoint to send a comment now properly give them access to the conversation.

[Core API] Teammate status

  • Teammate representation now includes is_blocked to know if an account has been blocked.

[Core API] Endpoint deprecation

  • Deprecate GET /teammates/:teammate_id/inboxes endpoint to list the inboxes a teammate has access to.

[Core API] Validation of tags limited to specific inboxes

  • Endpoints to send a message (POST /channels/:channel_id/messages and POST /conversations/:conversation_id/messages) are now validating that the tags can be applied depending on the inbox(es) of the message.

[Core API] Sending messages

  • Endpoints to send a message (POST /channels/:channel_id/messages and POST /conversations/:conversation_id/messages) are now replying with the draft that will be sent.

[Core API] Draft message status

  • Add the boolean is_draft in the message representation to make the distinction between messages still in draft mode and messages that have been sent or received.
  • Add the string error_type in the message representation to expose the type of error that caused a draft to fail to send.

[Core API] Asynchronous message creation reference

  • Add message_uid in the response of asynchronous message creation endpoints (replace conversation_reference).