[Core API] Importing messages can un-archive conversations
A bug in our Core API was sometimes preventing archived conversations from reopening when a new non-archived message was imported through the import message endpoint. The fix will allow conversations to become un-archived in this case.
[Core API] New Search tutorial
We just published a new tutorial explaining how to search for conversations using the Core API. Happy coding!
[Plugin SDK] New plugin-sdk version: 1.1.0
[Channel API] Advanced Composer Support for Partner Channels
New or existing partner channel types can request access to use an Advanced composer which supports Markdown styling. To learn more, please refer to the Partner channel documentation.
[Core API] Postman Core API collection
Developers use Postman collections to learn about and send sample requests to APIs they are integrating with.
[Plugin SDK] New plugin-sdk version: 1.0.4
[Plugin SDK] New plugin-sdk version: 1.0.3
[Channel API] Partner channel auto-reply events
Partner channels now support receiving auto-reply messages.
[Core API] Signatures support
The Front API now supports signatures! Signatures can be managed in the API using the following endpoints: