Response Body Structure

  "_links": {
    "self": ""
    "related": {...}
  "id": "",
  "_pagination": {
    "next": ""
  "_links": {
    "self": ""
  "_results": [...]
    "_error": {
        "status": 404,
        "title": "Not found"

A JSON object will be at the root of every responses body. When requesting a collection of resources , the collection will be encapsulated in a _results field.

A response will contain at least one of the following top-level members:

  • _pagination: An object containing pagination information.
  • _links: An object containing the resource links for self-discoverability.
  • _error: An array of error objects


To improve the self-discoverability of our API, every resources contains a _links object:

selfstringURL of the resource
relatedobject (optional)Object listing the URL of related resources

Collection of Resources

When listing a large number of resources, the API server will return a limited number of results. When this is the case, the JSON response will contain a field named _pagination.

The pagination object will contain a URL pointer to the next page.

nextstring (optional)URL of the next page


When the response is an error, its body will contain an _error object to describe the error.

An error object looks like:

statusnumberHTTP status code applicable to the error
titlestringHuman-readable summary of the problem
messagestringHuman-readable explanation of the error
detailsarrayList of strings detailing the error