
A shift represents an interval of time repeated over 1 or more days in a week. Shifts are assigned 1 or more teammates, whose availability status is automatically handled by Front every time a shift starts or ends.

Shift Timezones

The intervals of time defined for shifts must always define in which timezone they take effect. A list of possible time zone values is maintained at the IANA Time Zone Database.

Shifts Intervals

Every shift can define zero or one contiguous time interval per day of the week. An interval has to be defined for at least one day of the week.

monShift Interval with start and end for Monday
tueShift Interval with start and end for Tuesday
wedShift Interval with start and end for Wednesday
thuShift Interval with start and end for Thursday
friShift Interval with start and end for Friday
satShift Interval with start and end for Saturday
sunShift Interval with start and end for Sunday

Where a Shift Interval is defined as:

startstringA 24h time, e.g '13:45'
endstringA 24h time, e.g '13:45'

Example Shift Object

  "_links": {
    "self": ""
  "_results": [
      "_links": {
        "self": "",
        "related": {
          "teammates": "",
          "owner": ""
      "id": "shf_15d4q255",
      "name": "Night shift",
      "color": "red",
      "timezone": "Etc/UTC",
      "times": {
        "mon": {
          "start": "09:00",
          "end": "17:00"
        "tue": {
          "start": "09:00",
          "end": "17:00"
        "wed": {
          "start": "09:00",
          "end": "17:00"
        "thu": {
          "start": "09:00",
          "end": "17:00"
      "created_at": 0,
      "updated_at": 0